Resources included:
5 Little Monkeys Swinging in the Tree song posters to print or use on board, would also make a great display
Song props in colour – includes 5 little monkeys, a crocodile and a tree
Monkey and crocodile face masks in colour
Monkey and crocodile face masks in black and white for children to make their own
Monkey and crocodile hand puppets for role play
Monkey picture – alphabet flashcards
Number flashcards 0-20 with cute monkeys on
Number flashcards with bananas 0-20
Colour flashcards
Shapes flashcards
Counting cards – 0-20 – count the little monkeys on each card
Cut and stick – make your own monkey face from the shapes
100 high frequency word cards with monkey pictures
Colouring pages
Picture matching games with picture cards
Work booklet cover to keep pupils work together
Hand writing practise worksheets
Word cards for display (for older children)
All About Monkeys work booklet for older children
Count and colour the monkeys – 3 worksheets
Draw a jungle scene activity
Sort the bananas into size order activity with banana cards
5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed poem poster to read and act out
Folder cover to keep resources together
Sack tag to organise resources
Triangle bunting with monkey pictures
Large letters to head wall display
Long banner to head wall display
3 different patterned and plain display borders to edge wall display
Backing paper to print if needed
Useful monkey images to add to wall display
Resources include:
Holy Week information pack including facts about each day of Holy Week and the days leading up to it. Key word flashcards.
2 times table Easter egg activity, 5 times table activity, number counting and matching cards, make a presentation, poem to read, Easter anagram worksheet, write a poem, hand puppet, face mask, alphabet flashcards, number flashcards, Make a bunny banner craft activities, Easter cards to colour and envelopes to make, egg and spoon race instructions, design an Easter egg activity, Easter maze, 4 in a row game, Make an Easter pencil pot, Easter egg colouring sheets, Make an origami box for your Easter sweets task, Easter story board template, Word search, Count the Easter eggs activity, Write sentences activity, writing frames, booklet cover.
Display lettering to spell Easter and Holy Week, long banner to head display, patterned and plain display borders, binder covers, resources sack tag.
Resources include:
Alphabet flashcards, sentence writing tasks and sheets, writing borders, acrostic poem thought and speech bubbles, write shopping list, design garden, phonics flashcards, reward charts, colour flashcards, colourful daisies and pots for display, times table game, plant pot craft, design animal house, drawing activities, make a poster, flower pictures and names matching cards, garden centre photo pack, sums cards, colouring pages, writing booklet, make a mobile, number flashcards, number bonds, make a seed packet, word search, word mat etc.
Role play resources – food flashcards, coins to use in shop, character flashcards, flower species flashcards, plants for sale sign, flowers sign, long banner, flashcards of items commonly found at the garden centre, gift vouchers, box labels for resources, sale sign, money fans, money poster, seed labels, money quiz, open and closed signs, orde forms, price cards, pay here sign, vegetables flashcards, tree images and large leaves to decorate area, staff badges, decorative borders, welcome sign etc
Resources included are as follows:
•PDF file for you to print.
•Flashcards are A5 size each
•Birds include common birds that we see in our gardens everyday to more unique and interesting birds from around the world.
Resources included are as follows:
50 Pdf files for you to print.
1950s information pack
Photo pack of 50s fashion
Photo pack of 1950s American style diners
Role play resources: face masks with hats to use for staff, staff role play badges, price cards, price lists, location signs for diner, food flashcards for props, diner signs, open and closed times and signs, money resources, buntings and borders, long banners and title pages, menus, large lettering, welcome/pay here etc signs, parking bay signs, on sale here sign, order pads, messages to write, receipts page, order sheet, stock order form, table booking page, jobs to do list to write, table number cards
Other resources: word search, key word cards, folder cover, writing booklet cover, resources sack tag, writing page about the 1950s, topic summary sheet, mind map, draw food task, draw clothes from that era, acrostic poem, design a menu etc.
Resources included are as follows:
Each poster is A4 size, with a face and the name of the emotion. Each emotion has 3 different posters – in 3 skin tones and can be used for a multicultural display as well as one about emotions.
Posters include the following emotions:
Happy, sad, angry, scared, excited, tired, surprised, embarrassed, nervous (Total 27 posters)
Resources included are as follows:
A5 size flashcards of clock faces and matching cards with time in words
Matching cards – analogue clock face and digital clock faces
Extra large loop cards, blank clocks, time definition cards – week, day etc, poem potters, key word cards, question cards, word mat, birthday activities, sorting cards for age, certificate, colouring pages, who wants to be a millionaire games, wolf mask for ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’, themed writing frames.
Colourful A4 blank clocks to laminate and draw different times on
What I do and when? Booklet to draw and colour – for example ‘I go to bed at…’
Several worksheets for practising the time at all levels
Telling The Time Posters
(each showing the time on an analogue clock, digital clock and how we say the time in words.)
60 A4 posters including o’clock for each hour, half past each hour, quarter to and quarter past each hour, all with children images.
Day, Night, Days, Months, Years
A selection of photos from day time and night time, photos of day and night sky, discussion activity, drawing activity, colouring pages.
Days of the week flashcards, Days A4 posters on teddy bears, large and small month flashcards, number 1-31, years 2013-2023, sorting worksheets, calendars
Seasons poster pack – great colouring illustrations showing each season
4 photo packs – one for each season
Extra large letters , long banners, patterned and plain borders, backing paper if needed.
Resources included are as follows:
1.40 animal flashcards showing a picture of the animal with it’s name in Lithuanian
2.40 food flashcards showing a picture of the food with the word in Lithuanian
3.10 A4 colour posters – showing the name of a colour and lots of different items in that colour
4.10 A5 size colour flashcards with colour splats and colour name in Lithuanian and English
5.Transport flashcards showing different transport such as car, taxi, bus etc in Lithuanian
6.Days of the week flashcards – 1 set of Lithuanian days and another set of English days each with colourful flag borders
7.Months of the year flashcards – 1 set of months in Lithuanian and another set of English
8.Number 1-10 in English and Lithuanian on large flags
This great pack of teaching resources includes everything you need to create great role plays about visiting the hairdressers.
Resources are included for role plays as well as literacy writing for purpose and numeracy – money etc. Everything you need to create colouring and interesting displays are included also.
Files include:
Long banner, large lettering, welcome sign, range of signs to display around role play hairdressers such as: services available, open and closed, opening times, drinks available, back in 10 mins, please pay here, thank you for your custom, special offer, no smoking, price list, wash area, waiting area etc.
Photo pack, receipts to complete, staff badges, money poster and coin to pay, key word cards, message pad to fill in, appointment card, price card, acrostic poem, hand puppets, hair styles to draw, colouring pages, money quiz, Handwriting practise sheets, Writing booklet cover to make work books for pupils, Themed writing pages, Word mat, writing exercises, word search, number flashcards, display borders, useful images for display.
Resources included are as follows:
Information pack, detailing the history of robots, common robots, robots of the future etc,
Photos of robots, photos of famous robots, key word cards, picture buntings, letters bunting, long banner, large letters for head wall display, patterned and plain display borders, backing paper, large and extra large labels, A4 robot images for display, resources sack tag, colour posters
Alphabet flashcards and mats, number flashcards, table top number line, times tables posters / mats, shapes posters, days of the week flashcards, certificates, reward charts.
Robot face masks, hand puppets.
Writing frames, picture frame, sentence writing sheets, acrostic poem, all about robot booklet to complete, can / have / are writing task, colouring pages, draw a robot, invitation to create, mind map, story board, size order task, poem to read, word search, words beginning with r worksheet, character flashcards for writing tasks, writing booklet cover, name the shapes poster, cut and stick scissor work sheet, colour the shapes activity, horrible habits design task, robot criminal writing task, write a robot love story, card matching game, bingo game.